All the documents that have been posted to a WhatsApp group since you joined are stored on your own phone. You can access the documents by clicking on the icon for the Group, then scroll and select Media, links and docs. Then choose Docs from the next option to see the files. I created this template layout during the Ouistreham project so that group members could view documents with layout that fits their phone screens without sideways scrolling. I settled on making PDFs to keep all the fonts correct.
The Document Library in WhatsApp
Document Design for the WELL
I’ve been experimenting with the layout for a WORD doc that will share well and display well on ‘phones from the WhatsApp library of Docs. This file is my design so far; it has small pages for the screen and narrow margins to save space. I set these in Layout - Page Setup within Microsoft WORD.
I am using my WELL docs to try out parts of my travel story before I publish a more complete version to the magazine blog, here on TRAVEL WRITERS ONLINE.
If you Save As the WELL document in WORD to create a PDF, then it will display well in WhatsApp. You can also create a public folder on Google Drive to store an archive of all your WELL documents, then post the link of the whole folder to your WhatsApp Group. This will provide all your group members with an up-to-date library of all the docs you have made.
Layout details for MS-WORD
WhatsApp E-Library Locker document
Charles Mansfield 9-Jan-2025
6.4 cm width x 11 cm height
0.2 cm left & right margins,
0.0 cm for top & bottom margins,
no header nor footer in MS-WORD
1 Arrival
Ouistreham was now in plain view. I watched from the ferry as our vessel began its turn to meet the dock. The estuary of the Orne was traced out in sands and water. Slowly the lighthouse came into view and then moved across my field of vision. Someone was fishing alone, right out where the river met the sea, it made me think of the people Maigret tries to understand in the novel set in Ouistreham.
Please cite this article as:
Mansfield, C. (2025). Template for a WhatsApp E-Library Locker document in WORD. Travel Writers Online.
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