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Showing posts with the label Sílvia Quinteiro

LIT & TOUR Defining the Terms in Literary Tourism

Travel Writers Online magazine blog is delighted to announce the publication of WORKING DEFINITIONS IN LITERATURE AND TOURISM edited by Sílvia Quinteiro and Maria José Marques WORKING DEFINITIONS IN LITERATURE AND TOURISM   W ORKING DEFINITIONS IN LITERATURE AND TOURISM has brought together many authors and academics who work in the area of literary tourism knowledge to provide researchers with a dictionary of terms and definitions to engage with this field of study.  The publication is now free to download.  "As part of the project, 40 experts were asked to produce a set of over 60 inputs, each defining the concept in their own way. Considering that future readers will have a wide range of backgrounds, the authors were asked to write their entries as a starting point for further research on the topic or topics to which they refer, and so suggestions for further reading are also included. This book is therefore a meeting place for researchers from around the world, wh...
