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Showing posts with the label Summer School Travel Writers

Retour au pays natal

Retour au pays natal - episode 1 Clarisse Chicot Feindouno, Travel Writers Online Summer School I woke up excited. I had hardly slept because I was thinking about the journey ahead. I had packed everything carefully two days before so I wouldn’t forget a thing. I had travelled to France a week ago to avoid rushing and panicking. The day arrived quickly, I was impatient and worried. What were things like after 11 years?  Probably different now, with new buildings everywhere. I would soon find out. We made our way to the airport. People’s driving skills left much to be desired. I watched the buildings as we drove by and all of the advertisement panels. 'Souriez, filmez, partagez' with SFR, the new Xiaomi 10, 5G phone for just 1 euro, hmmm, interesting.  I suddenly remembered, I forgot to check if my Sky network would work once I got there!  We pulled into the airport and I registered the luggage. I sat in this restaurant for my last coffee. I said goodbye to my husband. The...
