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5 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns

 5 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns 4.     Lab Journaling During the module, we propose formative activities, which you could mark to provide teaching advice. The first one of these two formative activities creates the learning opportunity in dialogue journaling as students research the place and compile an archive to work from. The second will be to write a series of 3 short campaign posts for Instagram or Facebook to push readers to the longer blog post of the summative exercise. In our book, you can read an exploration of field notes that would begin to answer that assessment brief: ‘Memories from Montenegro’ Case Study 2 pp.104-105 (print edition)   The Ethnobotany Checklist A valuable resource for helping students how to find and integrate sustainable products into their writing is the Ethnobotany Checklist on page 83 (print edition). By linking a cultural artefact with the regional climate and local food preferences t...
