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Showing posts with the label Routledge

Urban Place Writing Methodologies

Travel Writing for Tourism and City Branding: Urban Place Writing Methodologies  Travel Writers Book Launch Totnes Totnes author, Dr Charlie Mansfield launched his new book for travel writers at Totnes Public Library, Devon UK at 11am on Friday 3rd March 2023.  The previous Zoom presentation for the European launch, on 10th January 2023, introduced the 3-step process for travel writers and researchers to engage with DMOs, city councils and tourism stakeholders. It gave an overview of dialogue journaling from Chapter 5 of our 2023 book, Travel Writing for Tourism and City Branding , Abingdon: Routledge. Please click on the icon below to access the slides in Google Slides (works better if you have a Google Account).  Recording of Book Talk from Zoom Please fast-forward 4 minutes to avoid Zoom Admin Part 2 including question time

Heritage Field Journaling

Preparing for Journaling in the Field This three-step activity for bloggers aims to get you started with your own travel blog writing. It takes you through the design of three posts to your blog. The 3 steps aim to give you direct practice in journaling, making field notes, preparing for fieldwork and keeping a record of your practice for later analysis. You will need notebooks for your fieldnotes. I always have a stock of these Black n' Red. The wire bound spine lets the notebook open flat and the hardback provides support for writing when standing up.  The other learning objectives are to understand how human memory and passing time have been conceptualised and how these can help in your evolving identity as a productive writer. Finally, it is an opportunity to start to think about the literary concepts of the addressee and deixis. Google Blogger is free web logging software with free server space. Please try a Google Blogspot, if you have not already set up your blog with anothe...

Masters in Travel Writing

Blogging as a Discovery Instrument  Do researchers discover destination knowledge or create it?  This question has been at the heart of our discussions over the last five years and gradually, through conferences and meetings, travel writing has emerged as both a method of inquiry for us in tourism and area studies and as a professional practice for the synthesis of new knowledge, thanks, often, to the use of narrative.  This travel writing blog is our discovery instrument and our research practice that will yield new knowledge on place, destination image, visitor practices and tourism knowledge management. We have been teaching this on Masters programmes for Travel Writers and Content Authors across Europe and the UK.  Routledge, Taylor & Francis In 2023 we published our ideas on literary travel writing with Routledge, Taylor & Francis, as a textbook and research monograph. To help lecturers to integrate this book into their teaching, learning and assessment ...
