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Travel Writers Online

Travel Writers Online Magazine ISSN 2753-7803 is published as a weblog mainly for writers of narrative non-fiction and for educators who want to integrate this writing into their teaching and research. Our particular specialisms, as the name suggests, are: literary travel writing, blogging about place, and dialogue journaling during research. This all emerged from teaching travel writers and supervising at PhD level in higher education with the aim of exploring ideas of value and the literary in writing as a research inquiry. From this research we ran our first summer school for writers in June 2020, during the first lockdown, and one publication came from that. It is a portable vade mecum listing the Methods for Travel Writers . This is now available as an eBook on all main online stores and in 2022 was converted into a small paperback version through Amazon Kindle Direct.  Over our first two years, I also worked with Jasna through the EU’s ERASMUS + mobility initiative for unive...
