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Showing posts with the label OneNote

All-in-One Note Container

 All-in-One Note Container I have added an alternative page design to the Microsoft (R) OneNote template for our Dialogue Journaling process.  You can see from the screen-shot that the five main elements of a page of dialogue journaling are now held all in one Note Container. 'Note Container' is Microsoft's word for the table that holds text in cells. My main reason for this design addition is to avoid the issues of overlapping Note Containers when you are typing long texts on your smartphone into one of the cells. I found that shunting the other Note Containers was quite difficult on a 'phone screen.  Download ZIP Updated I have updated the ZIP download by adding this new format as an alternative page design. I have kept the page width narrow enough to display fully even on older iPhones, from 7 onwards. Do, please, experiment with this new 'All-in-One' format and let me know through your prefered channel your findings, or leave a Comment below. I am giving a ...

Dialogue and the Zettelkasten

In our research on how to turn literary travel writing projects into research projects, Jasna and I have developed a process of journaling with dialogue at the centre. This dialogue might start with reading an academic article that proposes a new theory in tourism or it could be an interview with someone in the industry.  Capture the Catalyst As promptly as possible, this catalyst is captured in the online file-card index, and a section of affirmative journaling is written up while the idea is still stimulating and challenging. In our experiments I have made a page template for MS OneNote with named cells in a table of prompts to gather the journaling process, please see the picture of my Zettelkasten template below for MS OneNote: Next, of course, we need to test our processual methodology over and over again in professional projects for DMOs and with destination stakeholders to make it robust for the industry. We are planning to explore a few tourism towns, beginning with Zadar. ...

OneNote from Journaling to Publishing

I have just presented this guest lecture to a group of Masters postgraduates on my development of Microsoft OneNote as a journaling template for travel writing projects. I was inspired by the Zettelkasten concept of keeping your journaling and returning to it to index your pages so that you can find older notes and develop them into travel stories. I am very pleased to be able to share this talk as a narrated MS PowerPoint slide-show converted to mp4 for YouTube, here: You can click below on the  Link to view slides in Google Drive
