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Showing posts with the label deep-mapping

Deep-mapping in Slovenia

An Unknown Town On 20th February 2023 we started the process of deep-mapping from our tourism textbook (1). A team of young professionals in Slovenia began with Step 1, the Library investigation of the town of Brežice. Yes, for readers in Britain and the United States, Brežice fits the category of 'the unknown town'. Where is Brežice? And how can an English speaker even learn to say the name of the town? Our First Workshop for Travel Writers Our first workshop was to write about heritage. Underlying the training of new writers is the need to build confidence in the new writer's own emotional response to cultural artefacts when they encounter them. To that end we looked first at jpegs of paintings from the region around the town. This elicited stories in that past tense in English which does not really have a formal name in grammar, it is the used-to tense. It's rather like the imperfect in French. Listen to this from Kaja:          'The picture reminds me o...
