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Showing posts with the label Social Media Storytelling

3 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns

 3 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns Journaling during the Library Step. Route-map, Word-count, Channels, Storytelling and Sustainability To help you and your students complete the first piece of journaling we are going to take notes from the storytelling list shown below. Fist, though, we give an overview of the whole three-step process using this set of PowerPoint slides: Please download our PowerPoint 1 by clicking on the slide  image below  Slides 1, 2, & 3 are titles for you to edit and CC information. Slide script starts here: 4. The book Travel Writing for Tourism proposes a three-step process for place-making and travel writing projects. In these lectures we will work in each of the 3 steps to give you hands-on experience of journaling and composing finished written pieces for publication on social media channels for your storytelling campaign. 5. If we look in more detail at the three-step process we can see that by St...

1 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns

 1 Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns On 8th January 2024 we launched our Teaching Pack called: Social Media Storytelling for Sustainable Destination Campaigns . It is a teaching companion with instructor resources for our textbook from Routledge (Taylor & Francis) called: Travel Writing for Tourism and City Branding: Urban Place-Writing Methodologies . Link is book cover below:   The Launch Calendar Initially, the texts and slides for the launch are in beta-test and we encourage you to explore the materials through the first semester of 2024 to let us know any suggestions that will help other lecturers use the resources.  To communicate with the writing team, we have opened several channels in the hope that you will find your preference.  All our channels are listed on our About page  - please Click Here to view and choose which ones to follow. To cite Potočnik Topler, J. & Mansfield, C. (2024). Social Media Storytellin...
