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Showing posts with the label Hugues Seraphin

Events Management Book Announcement

Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market is a new academic book edited by Dr Hugues Seraphin from Oxford Brookes Business School, where he is Senior Lecturer in Tourism, Hospitality and Events. The future of the events industry Infants and young adults represent the future of the events industry. Yet, until now, there has been little research in this important and growing sector. Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market takes a comprehensive look at the unique challenges posed for planning and delivering events for young people. Bringing together practitioners and academics in unparalleled partnership, ground-breaking research is presented on event design and type in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia. The focus is on real-world application of ideas formed from empirical data. Four types of events are covered Topics include: the ‘greening’ of events, factors affecting attendance, satisfaction, and the loyalty of customers, plus a detailed cross-section and a...
