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Showing posts with the label Winston AI

AI Detector

I've been looking at AI Detectors that are now stable and easy to use. The first one to write about is from a company based in Montreal, and so, as you would expect from that bilingual city, it works on English and French texts. It's called Winston AI. The AI detector tells you if written copy is generated by a human or an Artificial Intelligence text generator robot. It uses a graphic sliding scale. The software also detects plagiarism and presents a thorough list of any copied content it has found. As a user of Winston AI you just paste text into the quick scan option. You can upload bigger documents in the following formats: .docx, .pdf, .png and .jpg for the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system to convert to electronic text from scanned documents or pictures. This also works on handwriting like Google Lens and the other handwritten text readers and convertors do. The Winston AI Detector works in projects, this lets you label or title pieces you are examining for plagi...


This article is an update on the chronicle of our tourism research project in Brežice, Slovenia.  Two previous articles, here on our magazine blog are called: Deep-mapping in Slovenia , dateline March 11, 2023 In the Middle of Things , dateline   April 06, 2023   Hand-pump on Wild Chestnut Avenue  In the Field From Sunday evening, May 14, 2023 until the morning of Thursday May 18th we completed the second step of our 3-step project. This was the fieldwork step. We were following the process shown in Table 5.7, page 96 of our book for travel writers in tourism and city branding. The places to explore in the town focussed on the writing plateaus that had been identified by the team during Step 1, the library step and included Wild Chestnut Avenue, The Jazz Bar Café, Huda Pizza and The Posavje Museum Brežice. You can visit the museum's English-language website. Huda Pizza Wild Chestnut Avenue is labelled on Maps as Kostanjev drevored.   It is a flat ...

Wilding Updates

 A couple of updates to existing pages here on the Travel Writers Online magazine blog  Writers who are activists for the environment, please take a look and add your own books or blogs My own wilding mission running alongside the mission to Jupiter's ice moons Day 45 in the the wildflower mission and #JUICE . Do you know the name of these taller ones, please?
