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Back to Black Book Review

Back to Black Book Review

Back to Black is a Martin Mesnil enquiry written in French by François-Michel Dupont and published by L'Aure Écarlate, 19 Quai Aristide Briand, 14230 Isigny-sur-Mer. I’ve been trying to work out a way of reviewing this intriguing crime novel since I started reading it after my fieldwork in Normandy in 2024. It is rich in plot right from the start, but I do not want to include any spoilers. This makes reviewing a challenge, but then, aren’t all book reviews about the reviewer rather than the book? 


So, for me, then, this is a perfect read for literary travellers who are improving their French. F-M.D provides lots of new vocabulary in French and even some « préchi »  which is still heard on the coast in the Cotentin. Again, without giving away any of the plot, the novel brings to life the canton of the Val de Saire with its tiny island of Tatihou for the visitor, making the mystery ideal holiday reading.  


For me, too, the toureme moment came about a third of the way through the story. The hero, Martin, turns into the passage de l’Alma in Cherbourg. It was in this exact small side street on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 9:30am during my search for the birthplace of the writer and professor of semiotics, Roland Barthes that I made the discovery of this building dedicated to the great professor, résidence Roland BARTHES, passage Loysel. I like to think that F-M.D was doing his research at the same moment because the novel was only published in November 2024. 

And for those who have read all the books, then as Mallarmé and Martin suggest, let your heart instead listen to the sea breeze, that song of sailors. 

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