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Referencing with a Literary Tourism Bibliography

A Guide to Referencing

When you embark on writing your PhD thesis or start a book-length project as an academic author it is essential to start collecting and managing your journal articles and book references. One method that requires no new training is to keep just one WORD document or Google Docs document with all your references as you collect them. Here is one, below, that I made for the specialist area of Literary Tourism. This example provides a valuable starting point for new research in this field.


In MS WORD you can keep the separate, single file open even when you are typing in one of your live chapters, then tab across to check or add a referenced article or book. If you work in the free Google environment, then try the recent feature of smart-chips to keep a quick link to your single doc of References. Use the at-symbol to point to a unique filename in your Google Drive, in the format below. If you click on this link you will find a Drive folder with this bibliography in WORD and in Google Docs format to download and keep. 



Google also offer a free tool for creating references called "Create citation". Simply go to Google Books and paste-in the name or DOI of the book you want to reference, then click on the button "Create citation … please see screenshot below. You can click on the screenshot to go to Google Books, opens in a new window



If you feel ready to learn a new App for managing your bibliography of referenced titles, then it is worth taking a look at Zotero. You can work in the App, and also through the Google Chrome browser logged-in to your Zotero account. This is useful if you are away from home in another library. The other nice feature in Zotero is the sharing of References with your research team or lab, or even with the public using the option Group Library. Here is my current project on Dialogue Journaling at


A Literary Tourism Bibliography


Agapito, D., Mendes, J. & Valle, P. (2010) 'Destination Image - Perspectives of Tourists versus Residents' European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 1(1) 90-109.


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Agarwal, S. (1997) 'The resort cycle and seaside tourism: an assessment of its applicability and validity' in Tourism Management, 18(2) 65-73.


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Bannalec, J. (2014) Death in Pont-Aven London, Hesperus.


Barros, C., Botti, L., Peypoch, N., Robinot, E., Solonandrasana, B. & Assaf, G. (2011) 'Performance of French destinations: Tourism attraction perspectives' Tourism Management 32(1) 141-146.


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Belsey, C. (1980) Critical Practice, London & New York, Routledge.


Berman, M. (1983) All that is Solid Melts into Air, London, Verso.


Bernstein, J. (1995) Recovering Ethical Life: Jurgen Habermas and the Future of Critical Theory, London, Routledge.


Bishop, D. (2011) 'Au Bonheur des Dames and the contemporary literary tourist: an inspirational journey through Zola's Paris to the C21st built environment.' in Mansfield, C. & Seligman, S. (2011) Narrative and the Built Heritage: Papers in Tourism Research Saarbrücken, Akademikerverlag, pp.29-39.


Blanchot, M. (1998) 'The Sirens' Song' Trans. Lydia Davis. The Station Hill Blanchot Reader. New York, Station Hill, pp.443-450.


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Bornhorst, T., Ritchie, J. & Sheehan, L. (2010) 'Determinants of tourism success for DMOs & destinations: An empirical examination of stakeholders' perspectives' Tourism Management, 31(5) 572-589.


Bosworth, G. & Farrell, H. (2011) 'Tourism entrepreneurs in Northumberland' Annals of Tourism Research 38(4) 1474-1494.


Botha, M.E. (1989), 'Theory Development in Perspective: The Role of Conceptual Frameworks and Models in Theory Development' Journal of Advanced Nursing 14(1) 49-55.


Bourdieu, P. (1980) 'L'identité et la représentation' in Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 35(1) 63-72.


Bourdieu, P. (1972) Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique, Paris, Seuil.


Bourdieu, P. (1977) Outline of a Theory of Practice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


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Brophy, P. (2009) Narrative-Based Practice, Farnham, Ashgate.


Brosseau, M. (1995) 'The City in Textual Form: Manhattan Transfer's New York' in Ecumene 2 (1) 89-114.


Brown, T. (1999) 'Antecedents of culturally significant tourist behavior' Annals of Tourism Research 26(3) 676-700.


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Busby, G., Brunt, P. & Lund, J. (2003) 'In Agatha Christie country: resident perception of special interest tourism.' Tourism (Zagreb) 51(3) 287-300.


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Busby, G. & Hambly, Z. (2000) 'Literary tourism and the Daphne du Maurier festival' in P. J. Payton (ed), Cornish studies 8. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, pp. 197-212.


Busby, G. & Klug, J. (2001) 'Movie-induced tourism: The challenge of measurement and other issues.'  Journal of Vacation Marketing, 7(4) 316-332.


Busby, G. & Laviolette, P. (2006) 'Narratives in the Net: Fiction and Cornish Tourism' in Payton, P. (ed) Cornish Studies Fourteen, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, pp.142-163.


Busby, G. & Meethan, K. (2008) 'Cultural Capital in Cornwall: Heritage and the Visitor' in Payton, P. (ed.) Cornish Studies Sixteen, University of Exeter Press, Exeter, pp.146-166.


Busby, G. & Shetliffe, E. (2013) 'Literary Tourism in Context: Byron and Newstead Abbey' European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation 4(3) 5-45.


Camus, A. (1959) Noces suivi de L'été, Paris, Gallimard.


Canevet, M., Chateaubriant, L., Robert, B. & Bregeon, M. (2013) Démarche prospective cornouaillaise, Quimper, QCD.


Cattell, M. & Climo, J. (2002) Social Memory and History – Anthropological Perspectives, Walnut Creek, Altamira.


Caughey, J. (2006) Negotiating Cultures & Identities – Life History Issues, Methods, and Readings, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press.


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Collovald, A. & Neveu, É. (2004) Lire le noir: Enquête sur les lecteurs de récits policiers, Paris, Éditions de la Bibliothèque publique d’information.


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Crang, M. (2003) 'Qualitative methods' Progress in Human Geography 27(4) 494-504.


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Defosse, A. (2014) Daily Rates of Hotel Occupation in Cornouaille, Rennes, Comité régional du tourisme de Bretagne.  [Personal communication] Data is also archived in Appendix D1.


Dennis, P. & Griffith, P. (2006) The Vauban fortifications of France, Oxford, Osprey.


Denzin, N. (2014) Interpretive Autoethnography, Thousand Oaks, Sage.


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Labbé, C. (2012) Le Grand Hôtel à Concarneau, personal correspondence, Concarneau. Also archived in Appendix B3.


Labbé, C. & Le Floc'h, Y. (2006) Le P'tit Vachic,11, Concarneau, Le Passage, Site: Eric Guillou.  Also archived in Appendix B1.


Labeau, E. (2005) 'L'imparfait dans la narration chez Simenon : Une dérive aspectuelle' in Le Langage et l'Homme, 40(1) 181-196.


Lapointe, M. & Perreault, S. (2013) 'Motivation: understanding leisure engagement and disengagement' Loisir et Société : Society and Leisure, 36(2) 136-144.


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 Longhurst, N. (2010) Twinned with Narnia: The postcapitalist possibilities of a countercultural place, PhD Thesis, University of Liverpool.

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 Mansfield, C. & Potočnik Topler, J. (2021). Building the Ethnopôle: Eliciting and Sharing Ethnobotanical Knowledge in Tourism Development. Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies - History & Sociology, 31(2), 197-208. doi:10.19233/ASHS.2021.13

 Mansfield, C. (2021). 'Way-Tales: An Archaeological Topophonics for Emerging Tourist Spaces', in Piga, B., Siret, D., & Thibaud, J. (Eds.). (2021). Experiential Walks for Urban Design. Revealing, Representing, and Activating the Sensory Environment. London: Springer. pp 323-332. Chapter 19. DOI


Mansfield, C. Shepherd, D. and Wassler, P. (2021). 'Perry – Deep mapping and emotion in place-writing practice' in eds: Adrián Scribano, Margarita Camarena Luhrs and Ana Lucía Cervio Cities, Capitalism and the Politics of Sensibilities. London: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI


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Mansfield, C. (2018). 'Les pratiques d'écriture pour la construction de l'espace imaginaire' In Passage: The International Journal of Writing and Mobility, 1(1) octobre Algérie: Université de Boumerdès. ISSN 2676-2056


Mansfield, C. (2018). 'Cultural Capital in Place-Making' Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 16(1), 1-17.


Mansfield, C. (2017). 'Travel Writing in Place Branding - A Case Study on Nantes' Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing 3(2) 1-7. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1209117 


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